Collecting VAXen

The government auction.

I put a bid on some sort of VAX system in a government auction. I didn't read the fine print. Naturally I won. Then I discovered it was 1000lbs of VAXen. And an 11/730 (the slowest of all vaxes).

The good new is it had two unibus chassis and an RL02 and TS11 which I wanted for my 11/34a. The bad news was it weighed 1000lbs.

I paid the auction an arranged to have the box shipped to me. Then the truck arrived.

My first view - inside the truck It looked huge. I almost had an anxiety attack but quickly got over it when I decided the thing to panic about was getting it off the truck. We struggled, but managed to do it without tipping over the unit. I then spent the afternoon disconnecting cables and getting it ready to be "de-racked". My plan was to put the boxes back into a single 19" rack. A "normal" rack that, without air conditioning.

I managed to remove all the good stuff and dispose of the box. I then found a nice 19" DEC rack with wheels and re-racked the TS11, RL02 and R80.

So far everything works except for the R80 which refuses to spin up.

VAX 11/730, R80, RL02

More pictures of my adventure in vax land.