Current Status:

JTAG programmer
software to work the JTAG programmer via a PC parallel port is working
boot loader
blob-1.0.8 has been ported and is working
kernel & ramdisk loader
'pboot' kernel & ramdisk loader is working and will boot a kernel from an ATA IDE card in the PCMCIA or CF slots
Linux 2.4 kernel
The linux 2.4.5 kernel has been ported and boots to a console prompt on the serial port.
Console serial driver
see above
Ethernet driver
The cs8900a ethernet chip is working; there is a problem on my hardware with continuous interrupts.
USB function driver
USB host driver
driver changes have been made but hardware does not seem to to be working; may be a connector problem
I2c driver
Power management
UCB1200 audio
works, but shows same interrupt problem as ethernet chip.
LCD frame buffer driver
works for VGA monitor
GPIO backlight control support
no support; I have no data on this