Brad's comments on the world of technology...

Blog Archive: February 2025

a used 2g iphone is actually cool

I bought a used iphone 2G model for work. I didn't intend to use it as an actual phone. But, as time wore on, I started playing with it, and (mostly) prying it out of the hands of my 10 and 12 year olds and I've grown to like it. Oddly, I've yet to activate it. I suppose I will soon, but the idea of spending $75/month

Ubuntu upgrades. wow!

I have a couple of machines running Ubuntu. More and more lately. One machine at home was running Ubuntu 7.04 and mythtv. I was loath to change it because it was working and I hate having to type "ssh" when I'm watching tv. But, I finally did it over the holidays. First I upgraded to 7.10, which was a pain. 7.04 is not longer supported and

pcc (portable c compiler) lives again!

Two interesting things happened this week - the "R" programming language was talked about in the mainstream press. - I discovered that the openbsd folks are working on using a non-gcc C compiler (pcc). Turns out in the non-linux unix world there is not so much love for gcc. This makes some sense. gcc is huge and hard to